In Matthew 26, we read about Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, just hours before His crucifixion. In His humanity, He felt deep sorrow and distress, knowing the immense suffering He was about to face. He prayed earnestly, asking God if there was any way to avoid the pain of death, yet He surrendered Himself to God’s will, saying, “Yet not as I will, but as You will” (Matthew 26:39). This moment is a powerful reminder of the strength and peace that comes when we trust in God’s plan—even when it feels unbearably difficult.
As a mom, I can relate to the feelings of sorrow and distress Jesus experienced. We all face moments when we feel overwhelmed by the unknowns of life, especially when it comes to our children’s future. There’s comfort in knowing that Jesus, too, faced moments of fear and uncertainty. He prayed to God for relief, yet ultimately trusted in God’s perfect will. It’s a beautiful example of how we, too, can surrender our anxieties and trust that God’s plan for us—and for our children—is far greater than anything we could control or predict.
The Desire for Control
Personally, I like to be in control. I like knowing what’s ahead so I can prepare myself. It’s comforting to think that by managing every detail, I can avoid disappointment and prevent hard situations. But the truth is, we are so far out of control in our lives. Ultimately, God is the one in control. While I can plan, organize, and do my best, I cannot dictate every outcome.
The one thing I do have control over, though, is my peace. The closer I am to God, the more peace I feel throughout my day. I’m not saying I don’t lose my temper, especially when my kids push my limits or when life feels overwhelming. But I’ve noticed that the more I lean into God and surrender my day to Him, the more peace I experience. It doesn’t mean everything goes perfectly or that I stop getting frustrated with spilled milk or constant interruptions, but it does mean I have a peace that surpasses understanding without needing to overreact all the time—just as Jesus did in the garden before His arrest.
The Sorrow of Watching Our Children Struggle
As mothers, we know the heartache of watching our children go down a path we wouldn’t choose for them. We want to protect them from pain, suffering, and heartache. Yet, just as Jesus trusted His Father’s will, we must trust that our children are ultimately in His hands. We are not the ones in control of their paths, but we can be faithful in lifting them up in prayer, guiding them with wisdom, and trusting that God’s plan is greater than our own.
It’s easy to think, “If only they would just listen to me, life would be easier for them.” But sometimes the most transformative moments for our children come through the bumpy roads and the struggles—those are the moments that often bring them closer to God than we could have imagined. The paths we might have hoped they’d avoid may be the very ones that lead them to the strength and faith that God has planned for them.
Am I Doing Enough for My Kids?
If you have young children, you might often wonder, “Am I doing enough to help them know Jesus? Am I making the right choices for their spiritual growth?” It’s easy to feel pressure when there are so many resources available, and it’s hard to know which ones to follow. But the truth is, the best resource is already at our fingertips: the Bible. Open it. Read it. Meditate on it. Reflect on God’s Word, and then live it out through your actions. It’s not about checking every box or following every trend. It’s about bringing Jesus into your everyday life and trusting that He is the one leading your family.
If you’re feeling anxious about your child’s future, whether it’s their faith journey or the challenges they’ll face in life, remember to pray. Pray for God’s will to be done in their lives, and for you to accept that will—even when it doesn’t align with your own. I know that can be terrifying, especially when we fear our children will face pain or hardship. But we can rest assured that God is with them, and He is always working in their lives—even when it doesn’t seem clear to us.
The Sacrifice of Mary and Our Sacrifices as Moms
Mary’s pain as she watched her son suffer is unimaginable. As He hung on the cross, she must have wondered why this was the path He had to take. It was a painful surrender, one only a mother could fully understand. Similarly, we, as mothers, must sometimes surrender our children into God’s hands, trusting that His plan for them is far greater than our own.
We may not understand why our children must walk certain paths, but just as Mary trusted God’s will, we can trust that God is at work in their lives. Even in our moments of sorrow and distress, we can pray for peace, knowing that He is the ultimate guide.
The Power of Prayer and Surrender
Sometimes, when life feels overwhelming, it’s easy to brush off the little moments when we should be praying or growing closer to God. Matthew 26:41 reminds us that “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” How many times have we thought, “I should pray” or “I should spend more time with God,” only to push it aside because we don’t have the time, or because we feel too weak to follow through? The spirit within us is eager to grow, but it’s often our own weaknesses that keep us from drawing closer to God.
The good news is, even when we’re weak, God is strong. He’s ready to help us grow in faith, surrender our worries, and trust in His perfect plan. And as we trust Him more, we can have peace, knowing He’s in control.
Final Thoughts
As you walk through life as a mother, trust that you are not alone in your worries and your struggles. Just as Jesus surrendered His will to God in the garden, you can surrender your fears for your children, your desires to control every detail, and your need for things to go exactly as you expect. Trust that God’s plan is far better than our own. And remember, the one thing we can control is our peace. Lean into God, pray, surrender your will to His, and trust that His love and wisdom will guide you and your children through every season of life.
May His peace fill your heart today.