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All Teaching Tots Things activities require adult supervision 

Fine mote recycled activity for counting


  • cardboard

  • box cutter

  • permanent marker

  • yarn

  • painters tape

  • hole punch

How To:

  1. cut out kite shapes and ribbons from card board

  2. hole punch one hole on the end of each kite

  3. put yarn through each hole and tie to secure

  4. wrap painters tape around the end of each to make stringing the ribbons on each kite easier

  5. number each kite

  6. have your child put the number of ribbons to match the number on the kite

*You can also se match color of ribbons to the colored kite if your child isn't quite ready for numbers yet

Talk About It:

  • numbers

  • counting

  • kites

  • shapes


Sensory Bins

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